Le Charme Discret Du Souvenir

With his new series ‘Dimanche 6’, Marc Dibeh evokes his childhood but also the never fading memory of his late mother.

Nearly three years ago, on the following morning after celebrating his 30th birthday, Marc Dibeh noticed a missed call from his father. He immediately understood that his mother lost her battle and passed away. It was a Sunday.


For Joy Mardini Design Gallery, the Lebanese designer and architect has worked on this sad episode of his life that brings also up a lot of sweet and melancholic memories of the 80s and the early 90s.

From sketches, Marc brings his creations to life with a desire to explore the unknown and take himself beyond his comfort zone. He tackles various shapes — all  having a soft geometry in common — and uses white and its distinctive textures, as a starting point. He allows the light to caress the elements, creating softness by binding the curves and transmitting emotions through this sensory reflection.

« Écrire pour se souvenir ? Non pour me souvenir, mais pour combattre le déchirement de l’oubli [...] » Roland Barthes, Journal de deuil.

The show runs until November 3rd, 2018.


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